The Big Picture: Careers in Nonprofit and Public Sector Innovation
Like all management professionals, nonprofit leaders are responsible for the strategies, operations, teams, and outcomes of their organizations.
Unlike most for-profit companies, however, nonprofits are mission-driven organizations, measuring themselves by the impact they’re able to have on social or environmental issues like conservation, education, health, poverty, arts, and social services, among others.
The most successful nonprofits also recognize the value of a sustainable bottom line.
- The nonprofit sector is growing: There are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States, compared to 1.2 million in 1999.1
- Nonprofits need leaders: 87% of nonprofits find it somewhat or extremely challenging to recruit new personnel.2
- Where’s the diversity? 82% of nonprofit employees are white and 95% of philanthropic organizations are led by Caucasians.3